rendering 3d to look like line drawing

Line Rendering — Use of Variable Line Weights

Raw lineart extracted from CAD consisting of 3D tessalations and hidden lines

Pushback tug carrying a towbar

Towbar close-up photograph

Raw .CGM lineart from a CATIA model
  1. Single-Line-Weight Rendering
    This is the simplest technique. It is pretty like shooting fish in a barrel as all we volition demand is a consistent vector trace or CAD-generated vector (east.g. *.CGM, *.DXF, *.DWG etc.) After you have the vector geometry opened in the illustrating program, motility and copy that geometry to a new layer (so you take access to the original structure if need be). Edit the duplicate geometry for visibility and particular, and make certain that the anchors (end points) are in fact coincidental. Allocate a line weight to all the lines appropriate for the scale of the object. I have used 0.180 mm line-weight. Although this method is fast and constructive, it has a serious drawback: it doesn't really wait like an illustration. It's actually merely a pictorial drawing, fix to be turned into a technical illustration.

Single line weight of 0.eighteen mm

Thick outline of 0.35 mm and rest of lines are 0.eighteen mm


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