Master List of Questions to Ask Kindergarteners When They Read

Even as adults, skilled readers and disquisitional thinkers enquire themselves questions before, during and after reading something. Whether it's questioning a controversial news article, or learning to practice something new, we learn and understand more by questioning ourselves equally we read.

Unfortunately, when kids learn to read, they don't automatically question themselves like we do. Instead, nosotros must teach this critical skill. By doing so, kids will build of import reading comprehension skills with every question we ask.

Let'south explore the questions that demand to be asked before, during, and later reading to maximize your child's reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

Before Reading

What will this story be about? Why do you recall and so?

Fifty-fifty though this question is asked before your kid even begins reading, this is an of import question to inquire for a few reasons. Showtime, your child will discover clues surrounding a story to make plot predictions. Your child might look at the book title, or pictures surrounding a passage if y'all're using free reading comprehension worksheets.

Using clues found in pictures, colors, the title, or any other item found on the page or encompass, your child volition piece together a possible plot. Additionally, by doing this, he or she will activate any prior knowledge associated with the topic, and probing kids nigh their thoughts assistance them build of import metacognitive skills.

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What characters do you lot think might exist in this story?

Similar the higher up question, asking what characters or type of characters will exist in the book allows kids to utilise observational skills to observe clues, actuate prior knowledge, and make a connectedness to the story well-nigh to be read. Kids will likewise exist motivated to read the story to run into if their character predictions will come true, or if the characters might resemble a favorite character they already know and dear.

What do you already know almost the topic of this book?

Depending on the cover or pictures surrounding a story, enquire your child a question that he or she tin can relate with. For case, if the story involves camping, ask your child if he remembers a time he went camping ground. If the book features a favorite animal, ask your child what he or she knows about that type of animal. Every bit long equally your child makes connections between real life and the story they are about to read, your child will use that context to further sympathise what they're reading.

During Reading

What is happening so far?

While your kid is reading, it is important to check for understanding. One common trouble kids ofttimes experience is when they read the words on the page, but neglect to internalize the significant behind the words. By stopping to ask what's happening in a story (the cause and the upshot), you bank check on your child's comprehension, and can intervene if necessary.

What do you think will happen side by side?

Making predictions is an important reading comprehension strategy that allows kids to use clues they picked upward while reading the story to apply them to a possible event. By asking kids to make predictions, teachers and parents tin tell if kids are truly understanding the story.

What are you picturing in your head equally yous read?

When we read, we usually picture the events and characters in our minds. This helps the story to come up alive, and helps u.s. connect to the plot in a motivating way. Mental images as nosotros read besides serves as an important reading comprehension strategy. By allowing kids the run a risk to verbalize or draw their mental images equally they read, they review story events that assist in reading comprehension.

Later Reading

If you could give this book some other championship, what would information technology be?

One interesting fashion to test your child's reading comprehension while letting them use the information they read in a new way is to ask them to rename the book. By selecting a new title for the volume, a child will call up the sequence of events, review important ideas and topics shared in the volume to pick a title that perfectly describes the book.  This helps increment critical thinking skills, allowing kids to synthesize the information they read to choose a new championship.

How might yous modify the ending if you lot were the author?

This question allows kids to motion past mere comprehension, and helps kids to evaluate the text. While responding to this question, kids will evaluate their thoughts and feelings near the catastrophe of the book, to choose a new ending (or not) to brand it better, more exciting, or just different.This question gives kids the power to critique and express themselves, moving past bones plot facts and events.

What practice you lot think is the big idea that the author wants you to know? Why?

Asking this question inches kids closer to the concept of theme by thinking about the message an author is trying to send through the story. While most kids don't yet understand abstract messages and lessons, they can evaluate a work and deduce the ideas expressed into 1 or two big ideas that were the most prominent throughout the story.

In the by, teachers tended to only inquire questions after a child has finished reading a story. However, nosotros now know that it's much more beneficial to inquire questions earlier, during, and after reading to mimic the process that all skilled readers employ to analyze and evaluate a text. This non just reinforces important reading strategies to aid in comprehension, only gives kids the tools they'll need for a lifetime of reading.

Find short stories and close reading passages perfect to get started with questioning using free reading printables from Kids Academy!


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