Nipple play - how to (Miranda) picture: Dave Anderson

It works for all sexes (Picture: Dave Anderson for

Nipples. I'm a large fan.

They are, after all, a great leveller.

Women explain why they pay for sex (Miranda) Sex pay prostitute hooker worker money gay lesbian Liberty Antonia Sadler for 3 women tell us why they pay for sex

They're the one thing we all have in common, no matter how you identify.

The merely difficulty is that some are more sensitive than others. For women especially, as they can too vary in sensitivity throughout the month.

But, remainder assured, nipple sensitivity occurs in all sexes.

Male and female nipples have the aforementioned number of nerve endings.

In fact, for men, the sensations may exist more intense because they have the same number of nerve endings in a smaller infinite.

For me, nipple play is a stand-out activity during sex, so here are some ideas that you can use and keep shut to your chest.

OK, OK. I'll stop milking it.


There are eight types of nipples in the world and they're all glorious

(Flick: Liberty Antonia Sadler)

If you have inverted nipples, then you've probably discovered by now they will come out when they experience good and set up, as it should be.

If y'all desire to help things along, many 'innie' advocates propose pumping or piercing, but do be conscientious.

Inversion is caused past a shorter milk duct pulling the nipple back into the breast. A piercing causes the duct to stretch from the pull of your nipple wanting to go dorsum in and the bar resisting.

Basically, you know your body. Don't force it.

If they pop out when you're common cold or aroused, you might find these work. But don't stretch yourself – instead, effort a stimulating gel commencement.

Otherwise – savor. Yous don't take to worry about 'effulgent', and – of grade – there is a whole fetish built around inverted nips, because internet.

Gels and stimulants

Every online sexual activity-toy retailer should have a selection of gels, balms, lotions and potions you can rub onto your nips for a scrap more stimulation.

From what I can find, virtually have a menthol flavour as that'due south most probable to brand them stand to attention.

If you find your nipples are merely not that sensitive, it's worth investing a couple of quids into a gel to see if that will help, without having to spring to the more extreme measures.

Lick and film

Getting you nipples licked can exist the most intense feeling – that sensation of warmth and wet is always pleasant.

Don't be afraid to try teasing it with your tongue to encourage things along.

Start with soft, gentle licking and sucking, and try stiffening your tongue to flick information technology over the nipple in rapid succession.

Compression and pull

If your partner wants things a little harder, have no fear in trying to pinch and pull them.

The chances of doing whatever real damage to a pair of un-pierced nipples are very slim.

Go on communicating with your partner to come across if they're enjoying information technology or not, as it's not for anybody.

metro illustrations

(Film: Ella Byworth for britain)


Stop squirming at the back.

Yeah, biting nipples can be highly arousing just, as with everything in sex, it's best not to rush in.

Instead, get-go with sucking, licking, and move to a little nibbling.

If your partner is excavation it, don't then leap in similar a domestic dog on hot chips – think more than domestic dog with an egg.


Of class at that place are a wide range of toys you can use on nipples, but once again, they will be for different levels of expertise and sensitivity.

If you're going to try a clench – they're not all as scary as they sound, I promise – choose one that'due south adaptable, and and so yous tin can detect the correct size for your own level.

And no, just because you don't want your clamps to be similar to bulldog clips, it does non mean you are any better or worse at having The Sex activity.


Some clamps come up with a tiny bullet vibrator, or y'all can only run a normal vibe over the teat.

Don't go as well excited as besides much stimulation will but numb it or make things uncomfortable.

Make sure you are using something with adjustable speed so again you tin detect a level yous're comfy with.


I know: that escalated quickly.

However, nipple weights can't be ignored.

There's a certain danger and anticipation that comes from something that tin be manipulated so hands.

If yous're fabricated to walk wearing them, the weights can prove to exist a subtle surprise.

A dominant threatening to push them tin be quite the plough-on every bit, depending on length, yous only don't know when the inertia will finish.

Weights can be held on by a clamp, or, alternatively…


Is this all beginning to sound a flake patronising to you lot?

Have yous already discovered the joys of a humble teat and had them pierced?

As someone who went through the aforementioned thing myself, I don't arraign you lot.

Before y'all rush into annihilation, do make sure they are fully healed and sturdy enough to handle being played with.

Nipple bars take been known to grow out – my first piercing did and information technology was a horror show.

And so exist kind to yourself and let them stabilise for a while.

As well avoid using themas a contact betoken for electro-stimulation toys, equally high voltage can cause burns on minor areas.

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(Picture: Ella Byworth/ Shutterstock)

They don't become less sensitive

Unlike a teenager bingeing on complimentary porn, nipples don't become less sensitive the more y'all play with them.

Rest assured that if you're hooked up to a pair of swinging weights one day, a light breeze the next can nevertheless exercise all the work for you lot again.

If you're experimenting with a partner, this is very important to call up.

Don't be agape to bring the play right dorsum downwards to merely the gentlest of breaths, or the lightest touch.

Just call up that nipple sensitivity is not something you can push.

If your partner isn't responding with a reassuring, pleasurable style, only move on. Otherwise it just gets ho-hum and irritating.

I've had several clients who, when I spent a few minutes on their nips, told me they merely didn't go anything from it.

If but they had told me sooner.

Nipple play goes across the board – male, female, trans, gay, straight – and we can all savour some titty-lation if the sensitivity is at that place.

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If you liked this story you lot should give our new sex podcast Skillful Sex Bad Sex a listen – it'due south out every Wednesday.

The prove is available now on iTunes hither and on Soundcloud here.

Metro bloggers Miranda Kane and Bibi Lynch co-host the show, chatting to a different guest about all things sex and relationships each week.

Think practiced cop bad cop – but with more handcuff action.

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