what percentage of tithes and offering does local assembly of god churches have to send headquarters


The expression, 'suffering and smiling' could maybe describe the condition of some pastors in charge of local assemblies, specially those of some Pentecostal churches where a branch is made to remit 90 to lxx percentage or all the money collected from tithes and offerings to the headquarters.

Pastor Joshua (non real name) heads a branch of 1 of the churches classified as mega. Joshua who was in the company of his friends complained bitterly of how he battles to come across up with the financial brunt of running the church as picayune or goose egg is left after they remit what they realise every bit income from offerings and tithes.

He explained that rents of the infinite where the church is situated, maintenance of the church, supporting some indigent members who usually solicit help from the church are part of what he struggles with.

To define Joshua's claim, Sunday Independent spoke with different pastors and some of them said they don't depend on the church building's tithes and offerings for survival as they accept other streams of income.

According to them, the ones who feel the situation more are total time gospel ministers who rely solely on what comes from the church, as they barely have enough to have intendance of themselves and their families. They added that sharing of funds might exist dissimilar from one church to some other because of the dynamic system of operation of each denomination.

Some Christian critics who acknowledge that coin sent to the headquarters is used for many expenses including mission field works, payment of full time pastors and some church building workers' salaries, corporate (church building) social responsibleness amongst others expressed concerns that some General Overseers do non allow branches take accuse of their independent incomes to discourage embezzlement or dependence on church income, though they urged Church leaders to look into the welfare of their pastors and allow them high percentage of the proceeds which would get a long fashion to bring relief to function in their ministerial assignments.

According to some pastors in the Redeemed Christian Church Of God (RCCG), financial report has to be presented every month where each branch remits x% of tithes and offerings each and 35% of thanksgiving offering to the headquarters.

Likewise, a member of RCCG who merely gave his name as Timothy said that it is true that 100% of tithes are remitted to the headquarters, but what people don't know, he continued, is that xx-thirty% of total tithes usually get back to the parishes equally rebates, while the province keeps 20%. He added that if the rebates do not get to parishes so the provincial and area headquarters should be held accountable.

Similarly, a pastor in one of the Pentecostal churches in Nigeria also made similar claims, adding that in his denomination, the case is even worst equally every branch remits all the money collected to the headquarters and from what is sent they give the branch v percent. Yet, another Nigerian pastor from some other mega church who is based abroad maintained that the mode finances are been handled in the church leaves one to think that church building is a commercial venture.

The cleric said his branch has not been able to remit money for over six calendar month equally they find it difficult to even pay their rents non to talk of other church building expenses saying, "Due to ecology factor, where the branch is located, nosotros have few members we notice it difficult to pay hire. So at that place is no money to remit.

"We have non remitted any money for the past six months and the regional pastor is aware of it. The way finances are been handled in the church, I see church as a business organisation."

He chosen on church building leaders to consider immature ministers and see how to help them grow in the ministry.

"Church building leaders should see how they tin help young ministers to grow in the ministry building and as well ensure that branches are standing strong first earlier enervating any kind of remittance," he asserted.

Dr. James Akanbi, General Overseer of God's Mercy Revival Ministries (GOMERM) Lagos, stated that his church has over 70 branches worldwide and has never asked whatever of the branches to remit money, rather he allows them to use the fund to grow their branches.

"I let them to utilise their funds to grow their branches and that is what we do up till at present. No remittance of any percentage at all. The 75 branches we have are not remitting a dime. Rather we ship money. Nosotros pay salaries of workers and their rents from the headquarters," he stated.

When asked if pastors volition remain loyal since they don't remit any money to the headquarters, Akanbi said, "Yes, they know they belong to the headquarters. For example, on a monthly ground, all their pastors are hither. On a monthly basis, in that location is a combined phenomenon service for all of us in Lagos and I become to all the zones."

He ended that remittances cannot stop breakaways from headquarters as any pastor that want to break away from the headquarters will do so whether he remits or not.

Bishop Olusola Ore, Lagos Country Chairman, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) told Sun Independent that every church has rules and procedures and anyone who finds information technology hard to follow such rules should get out the denomination.

The cleric who acknowledged the existence of some of the problems associated with church branches said he does not have whatever branch because of information technology, calculation that he cannot say the system is right or wrong.

In his words, "Every church take their rules and procedures, therefore anyone that is not interested or find it difficult should leave the place, because that is their rule.

"Any the leadership of the organisation thinks is right that is what they will do. It is now left for the individual to stay there or leave.

"I cannot say the arrangement is right or wrong. That is the reason I don't have branches. I recall a lot of financial concessions should be given to branches."

He continued, "If I want to start a branch I volition ensure that the branch is on solid basis, I will too give a lot of fiscal concessions and then that those branches will be able to stand up.

"If I don't exercise that I may give room for fraudulent activities, they may want to await for coin from other sources that would not be made known to me. Because if you keep asking members to bring money, they may ask what y'all utilize the tithes and offerings collected to do, and of course the pastor will tell them that it is existence taken to the headquarters. This may lead to lose of members."

Rev. (Dr. ) Sam Anya, the Presiding Pastor of The United Church building Of Christ, Ikpoba in Benin City, Edo State, in a chat with Dominicus Independent explained that sending all the money collected from tithes and offering to the headquarters is not a good thought every bit information technology may put the branch under undue financial force per unit area.

The Reverend stated further that the system of remittances differ from each denomination. He revealed that in his church, they operate allocation system where a certain amount of money is sent to the headquarters on a monthly basis.

"We operate allocation arrangement which simply means remitting certain amount to the headquarters on a monthly basis while the remainder is been used to run the co-operative. Sending all the tithes and offerings to the headquarters is a bad idea, because it will put the co-operative under an undue financial pressure which will non enhance the overall well existence of the church.

"Therefore, churches operating that organization should reverse information technology then as to help the branch pastors with part of the money in running the branch," he stated.

Anya, maintained that abiding raising of fund may not cease in such denomination if all the money are sent to the headquarters, adding that it may also lead to proliferation of churches thereby making those who do non accept what it takes to operate a Church building to do then out of agony, hence prevalence adoption of occult and diverse evil practices in running a church building or ministry.

Bishop Adegbite of the Methodist Church of Nigeria and executive of Lagos and National CAN on his part, said information technology is of no proficient if a church building leader is seen living a flamboyant life while those working under him are suffering, and find it hard to feed their families saying, "Finance is role of what is needed in church for development. If God is kind enough to ask us to requite Him 10 pct of our income why can't nosotros practise same for people working under the states?

"Nosotros don't demand to ride flashy cars when they are suffering and they cannot feed their families, their children cannot get to a good school. We must recollect that i day all of u.s. must requite an account of our stewardship."

Adegbite, nevertheless, urged pastors working under people to be faithful because the way they treat others is the way they would be treated ane day.

Apostle Michael Akinyoade, Senior Pastor of The Royalty Place, Lagos also speaking with Sunday Contained in Lagos said that every church has its rule of engagements and mode of operations. He also suggested whenever a branch cannot remit the percentage required of it due to circumstances beyond them such issues should be discussed with the church leadership.

He stated, "Now if a denomination has a police force from the headquarters that says certain percentage is what should be remitted to the headquarters I believe that every branch volition follow adapt.

"I suggest that such issues be discussed with the leadership. If the matter affects other expanse pastors, may exist due to environmental cistron, location and membership force, which makes it uncomfortable for them to remit. Let a meeting be called with the leadership of the church, I believe leaders are listeners.

"If it is discussed at that place would be a way out. But if the leadership still insists on information technology, it is now left for the pastor to know if he still wants to continue in that denomination or not."

Pastor Isaac Ogunrinola of The Apostolic Church in his view said that every denomination has its system of administration adding that, "In my church, we take iii tiers of administration which are the national, territorial (expanse and commune) earlier you lot go to individual associates.

"At individual associates, out of the tithes that come in nosotros requite 15% to the headquarters, 10 % to the district and five% to the assembly that brings the income. Right now each assembly is clamouring for increment in their percentage because they accept responsibilities.

"I think church leaders should consider branches welfare, in social club not to drag the people in penury and so that people will non retrieve the church building is for commercial purposes."

Pastor Oladukun Olukayode Stephen, Senior Pastor, Truthful Grace Bible Church building Igbogbo, Ikorodu Lagos and Igbogbo Can Zonal Chairman in his view told Sunday Contained that he does not agree that headquarters collect all tithes and offerings without giving some to the branches, noting that near young pastors don't want to serve whatever more, they want to go general overseers overnight. The cleric also disclosed how he manages funds from his branches, saying "there are some churches that share it 50/50. Similar in my ain ministry, anything nerveless from a branch similar offering, we share information technology into three places, one office for the headquarter another part for the pastor-in-accuse and the 3rd part volition exist in an business relationship for that branch.

"The same with the tithes, from the tithes, we remove the pastor's bacon and other expenses, we also utilize tithes for other programmes similar giving to orphanage homes."


Source: https://independent.ng/untold-agony-of-branch-pastors-over-remittance-of-tithes-offerings/

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